Parks Library is the largest and most popular building for working on group projects, finding a quiet study spot, and getting help with research. Located in a convenient campus location, Parks is open long hours and provides a variety of study spaces.

Address: 701 Morrill Rd, Ames, IA 50011

Contact: 515-294-3642


Inside Parks Library

Visit Parks Library

Parks Library is at the corner of Osborn Drive and Morrill Road. Both roads are only open to vehicles after 5:30pm and on weekends and holidays.

View our location on Google Maps and navigate the building using floorplans.

Public Transit

CyRide provides bus coverage throughout the City of Ames. Many routes take you near Parks Library, including the free Orange Route which runs from commuter/visitor lots on weekdays. There are two bus stops by the library to the north, one to head west on Osborn Drive, and one to head east.


ISU offers many nearby parking lots with varying permit prices near Parks, including metered parking. Lots 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, and 25 are the closest to the library and are free for all on evenings (after 5:30pm) and weekends.

Memorial Union Parking Ramp

Located on Lincoln Way about a 10 minute walk away from the library, the Memorial Union Parking Ramp offers paid parking.

Paid Hours

Anyone, including students, can park in metered spaces in Lots 21 and 25 across from Osborn Drive for an hourly rate.

  • Visitors can request a visitor permit for General Staff Parking Lot 22 North of the library across from Osborn Drive for $5 per day.
  • Faculty and Staff can request a permit for reserved Lots 16, 18, 17, 23 and 25, or the General Staff Parking Lot 22.

Physical Accessibility

  • The main entrance to Parks Library is accessible via ramp and wave-to-open automatic doors.
  • All floors have men's, women's, and gender inclusive single stall restrooms that are ADA compliant and equipped with changing tables. All women's restrooms and gender inclusive restrooms provide free female hygiene products.
  • All elevators are labelled with braille, and wheelchair-accessible large elevators are located in the northwest corner of the main areas south of the glass wall on each floor.
  • A wheelchair is available at the Main Desk, and we have many height-adjustable tables and workstations with adjustable monitors to accommodate a variety of mobility needs.